Join us for a St. Andrew's Society of the City of Milwaukee Virtual Whiskey Tasting on Monday June 14th, with our esteemed SAS Whisky Masters: Larry Kascht, Harold Hansen and Kevin Hansen.
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June Featured SAS Member: David Dubiel
Learn more about our June Featured SAS Member of the Month: David Dubiel and his wife, Karen.
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May Featured SAS Member: Art Rothschild
As we begin the 2021-22 SAS year, we would like to introduce our new Second-Vice President Arthur “Art” Rothschild and our May Featured SAS Member of the Month.
Read MoreCeltic Swing Classic Annual Golf Outing
Join us August 1, 2021 for the Annual Celtic Swing Classic hosted by Wisconsin Scottish and St. Andrew’s Society of Milwaukee featuring 18 holes of golf, a luncheon, scotch whisky raffle and silent auction at New Berlin Hills Golf Course.
Read MoreApril Featured SAS Member: CAROL FORBES
One of our amazing SAS craftspeople is our un-official society knitter, who has made many a sweaters and socks for our members, Carol Forbes. We have all enjoyed bidding on her many craft projects donated to our society raffles. So, who is Carol?
Read MoreSAS April Member's Meeting & Annual Scotch Whisky Tasting
Join Scotch Masters Harold, Kevin, and Larry for our annual St. Andrew’s Society Single Malt Scotch Tasting on April 12, 2021 on Zoom. This years’s theme is "Scotch Whisky Basics: A Good-Natured Review of the What, When, Where, Why, How and Who of Scotch Whisky!”
Pre-Registration is required for both the Member's Meeting and the Whisky Tasting.
Read MoreSAS Election for Executive Board & Board of Managers
It's time to VOTE for the SAS Executive Board and the Board of Managers.
At the March Members Meeting the nominating committee announced the ballot for the Executive Board and Board of Managers for the 2021-22 year. Remember YOU MUST BE a member in good standing to vote. The voting will be open until Sunday evening April 11th, the day before our April meeting.
Check your email for a link to the ballot.
Read MoreThe Scotch in Milwaukee: 1895 'Milwaukee Sentinel' Article
This fascinating 1895 Milwaukee Sentinel article written by SAS Past President John Johnson celebrates the history of Scots in Milwaukee on the 15th anniversary of the founding of Milwaukee. Thanks to John Schafer for finding, transcribing and submitting this gem of local Scottish history to us.
Read MoreMarch Featured SAS Member: REVEREND RODGER PATIENCE
Our March Featured SAS Member is is a relatively new member from the Appleton area, The Reverend Rodger Patience.
Read More2021 Scottish Fest / Milwaukee Highland Games Canceled
Message from The Milwaukee Highland Games Committee
We are very sad to announce that Scottish Fest (The Milwaukee Highland Games) on June 5th, 2021 is canceled.
We have made the decision based on the information we have regarding Covid and safety issues for our public. We have been informed, for example, that it would be unlikely that Pipe Bands would be attending, plus other health and safety considerations.
We are heartbroken but want to assure that come hell or high water Scottish Fest June 4th 2022 will be held at Hart Park once again.
We will be together again in fellowship and fun soon.
Help Wanted: SAS Promotional Video Project
The SAS Executive Board has been pursuing the idea of creating a video that can be used by the society to promote the society and be used at our events like the Scottish Games and Irish Fest, but we need your help.
Read MoreFebruary Featured SAS Member: BRUCE SEEDS
Our February Featured SAS Member is one of our current SAS Managers, Bruce Seeds. Bruce joined the Society in 2007 and has served as both a SAS Manager and Secretary where he brought our society into the technology age by setting up our emailing system, webpage and social media channels.
Read MoreNomination Committee
Throughout February, Vince Milewski, SAS president, along with his committee will be contacting our membership to see who would like to serve on the 2021-22 Executive Board and Board of Managers. We are always looking for members who would like to serve their society for a year or two.
Interested, but not sure what jobs will be open and their duties, please email Vince.
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Flowers of the Forest: Tom Cobb
It is with great sadness to announce long time St. Andrews Society of Milwaukee member Tom Cobb, passed away Wed., January 27, 2021. In additional to SAS, Tom was an instrumental member of Celtic Nations Pipes and Drums, Milwaukee Shamrock Club, Scottish Fest (aka Milwaukee Highland Games), Milwaukee School of Pipes and Drums, Tripoli Scottish Highlanders annual Tartan Ball - and so much more! Please read his attached obituary to learn more about services and his remarkable life.
Read MoreJoin a SAS Membership Team!
Join the Saint Andrew's Society of Milwaukee's Membership Team and help connect SAS members in your area and recruit new members who share our appreciation of Scottish history, culture, and want to help spread benevolence throughout our community.
Read MoreSAS February Member's Meeting & Zoom Scotch Whisky Tasting
Join us for a Scotch Whisky Tasting after the February SAS Zoom Member's Meeting on February 8th, 7:30pm. Read more about our theme, “Discovering Blended Malts,” where to purchase the whiskies, and how to register.
Read MoreCancelation: Burns Wreath Laying Ceremony
From the SAS Presidents:
...( after) talking with a number of members, it was been decided that we will cancel the Burns Statute ceremony scheduled for Sunday, Jan 24 and again plan for our next ceremony in January, 2022. It was felt that with the current Coronavirus environment, our inability to meet after the ceremony (a popular event) and the winter conditions of Burns Common and the Burns Statute, it was in the best interests of all to reschedule.
See you all the next SAS Member's Zoom Meeting on February 8th with the whisky tasting after the meeting.
January 2021 Featured SAS Member: HAROLD HANSEN
Our Featured SAS Member for January 2021 is our resident artist and past SAS President, HAROLD HANSEN.
Many of us have enjoyed the many exquisitely detailed and masterful prints inspired by his Scottish and Scandinavian heritage that he has generously donated to the St Andrew’s Society’s fundraising auctions. These wonderful limited-edition prints are always popular and produce lively bidding.
Read MoreSubmit a 2020 Relieve the Distressed Charity Idea Raffle Entry
Share with us your 2021 Relieve the Distressed charity ideas by Mon., Dec. 16, 2020 and get a chance to win a bottle of whisky!
Read More2020 Salvation Army Bell Ringing
Join your fellow St. Andrew's Society of Milwaukee members on Dec. 21, 2020 for a volunteer bell ringing event to raise funds for The Salvation Army and help honor our mission to "relieve the distressed." Contact Bruce Davidson if you are interested for more information about times and location.
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