
Molecular Whisky

Our Whisky Master Larry Kascht thought that many of you who attend our tastings as well as those who enjoy whisky might find this video interesting.

Raffle Drawing Date - Correction

The date printed on this year's raffle tickets is off by one day. The correct date and time for the Saint Andrew's Society of the City of Milwaukee's Annual Kilt Raffle is Monday, September 10, 2018 at 8pm.

Presidents, 1859–1884

In 1996 Mackie Westbrook, a past president of our society, wrote a history of our presidents from our founding in 1859 to 1884. We're happy to present that history to you here, with his kind permission, in PDF form. Just click here. Thanks, Mackie!

Meeting Cancelled

The March 13, 2017, Members Meeting has been cancelled due to weather. Stay home, stay warm, stay safe.

Photos from the Burns Memorial Wreath Laying

Thanks to all those who contributed photos. (Click on an image to enlarge it; use the left and right arrows to scroll through the album.)